
Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Tides are Turning!!

It's been a crazy last week or so. Kate and William finally tied the knot, Obama and the U.S. Intelligence finally got their man and almost more momentous than both of these Cleo finally got Jim's shoes! Ha ha ha!! Sweet revenge....sweet revenge.

I'm being dramatic but I did have a slightly sick sense of triumph knowing she busted into our walk in closest and out of a couple dozen pairs of footwear she chose Jim's new pair of fuzzy slippers. This is also a good time to point out she also nabbed one of his flip flops on Monday. I directly attribute this to Bob allowing me to handle Cleo this past weekend! Now she's eating Jim's stuff...it means I'm getting some well deserved respect around here. I do believe the tides are turning....or maybe I'm just getting better at putting my shoes away.

So upon finding the scene above I quick grabbed the camera and then quick grabbed the slipper. The conversation that followed sounded something like this:

Me: I just rescued your slipper from the dog!
Jim: Ugh!!
Me: Good girl Cleo!
Jim: Did you just say good girl to her for eating my slipper?
Me: Crud....you heard that?

She totally looks cuter eating his stuff than mine. Don't you think?

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